Harvest Real Estate Law

Land Use

Land Use

Diligent Research and Expert Advice

Developers and commercial property owners rely on our experience and expertise in navigating complex entitlement processes and all types of land use-related matters.  Our attorneys have a deep knowledge of local, state, and federal laws regarding the use and development of real property, and the complex covenants, conditions, and restrictions that govern land use throughout the country.  From due diligence for acquisition, financing, ongoing operation, and asset management to permits, variances, and advocacy, we bring deep knowledge, focus, determination, and innovation to obtaining entitlements and solving land use issues.  

Our attorneys have shepherded projects of all sizes through complex entitlement processes and helped obtain challenging approvals for conditional use permits, variances, density bonuses, and various discretionary permits, appearing before planning commissions, city councils, and other decision-making bodies.  We understand the politics and practicalities that underlie many land use decisions, and work with municipal staff, elected officials, and community stakeholders to achieve results for our clients. Our extensive experience analyzing and interpreting statutes, ordinances, regulations, and covenants allows us to provide expert analysis of land use restrictions as part of the due diligence process for potential investments.

Representative Transactions

  • Represented a national land banker in a significant number of high-profile land banking transactions.
  • Counseled a national owner of commercial property in several extensive land use due diligence investigations.
  • Negotiated and drafted a wide variety of land use agreements, including easements, CC&Rs, restrictive covenants, and development agreements.
  • Assisted a publicly traded owner/user in numerous land use and entitlement matters in various local jurisdictions.
  • Successfully advocated on behalf of property owners in a variety of contexts to obtain more favorable zoning.
  • Obtained land use approvals for an entrepreneurial developer of mixed-use projects in the Southern California region.
  • Represented an institutional apartment developer in all aspects of the permitting process for a multifamily development.
  • Negotiated entitlements for a portfolio of medical office buildings.
  • Undertook all aspects of land use due diligence for a purchaser of real estate assets across the asset class.
  • Analyzed all aspects of title matters and their impacts on commercial real estate ownership and development.